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Emotion Release (Energy Rebalancing)

Trapped emotions and dark energy are stored in our cellular tissues and in our subconscious mind. This can be from our present life, past life or inherited from our ancestry and we may be unaware of their presence. These memories and dark energies may adversely affect our mental patterns, behaviour, how we feel about ourselves, how we feel about life and they may lower our immunity and create mental, emotional and physical pain. It is now understood that many health issues could have a component of trapped emotions and dark energy at their core and Emotion Release Therapy is proving to reverse many of these imbalances.


Emotion and Dark Energy Release is a form of energy healing that can gently release suppressed emotions (energy blocks) from our cells and subconscious mind which stores every experience we've ever had. It does this gently and without the need to relive the experience or negative event. The treatment targets specific areas where negative emotions and dark energies may be stored releasing them at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.


Clients report feeling calm, relaxed and much lighter with the dissipation of physical pain. Dark energy specifically can impede any physical healing work you are engaged in with other Health Care Practitioners. Identifying and releasing this type of energy is a critical component to life balance.


Pain relief may sometimes be immediate. Emotional and mental pain may take a bit longer to fully release. These are permanent releases from the energy field.


I also teach clients how to avoid re-infecting the energy field and I provide free energy tools to use between treatments to help continue releasing stagnant blocked energy from the body.


Initial session:

$150 for 1 hour includes summary notes


Subsequent sessions:

Includes summary notes


Option 1:

5 days of clearings $150 ($30/clearing) Tuesday to Saturday


Option 2:

3 days of clearings $105 ($35/clearing) Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday


Option 3:

2 days of clearings $80 ($40/clearing) choice of Tuesday & Wednesday or Wednesday & Thursday


Option 4:

1 day clearing $45

Choice of Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday


I'll contact you each Sunday to determine your participation for the week ahead 5, 3, 2 or 1 day of clearings and forward you the summary results the following Sunday. 


For faster results:

a) The clearings will run continuously through your selection period.


b) Please remember that if you provide more than symptom physical, mental, or emotional and one personal positive intention, it will take longer and extend sessions. Some symptoms are related and may clear in tandem with the sessions.


Please follow me on Instagram @lifebalancenergetics


Learning breathing techniques may be helpful to relieve stress caused by our reactions to external events. There are different ways to meditate: yoga, walking in nature and breathing are types of meditation.

HeartMath is a form of breath work training which may bring you to a present state of awareness - into the moment - and may help to keep you there. HeartMath does this immediately and effectively and doesn't require you to 'find the time' to meditate. It is the only scientifically-validated system of emotional management that can help you meet life's challenges with poise and resilience in the moment the stress is occurring.

Heartmath may help you access the power of your heart through specific breathing techniques that are designed to immediately calm the nervous system and stop chronic over-thinking.

NOTE: I teach all clients the HeartMath technique as a complimentary offering with Emotion & Dark Energy Release and Whole Food Coaching.

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