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Mind, Body & Spirit Balance

From the nutrition we consume, to the people we associate with, to the external stimuli we allow, to the trauma we have endured over all of our lifetimes; all of it impacts our current energy field. We are a body that moves with and through that energy field. When we don't feel well physically, it may not only be a physical imbalance we are experiencing although it 'feels' physical and when we are struggling emotionally and mentally; it may be negative emotions or dark energy trapped in our energy field. When we are carrying trapped energy in our cellular structures, it's akin to carrying a heavy load over our shoulder that can impede our well-being.


It is always a combination of multiple imbalances when we are unwell. Therefore ensuring our nutrition is coming from clean whole foods as much as possible, clearing stagnant or blocked conscious or unconscious negative emotions, traumas and dark energy and detoxing our body through sound frequency healing and supplements prescribed by a qualified Holistic Practitioner is the key to life balance.


The human energy field is a bio-electromagnetic field that extends from the heart outward surrounding and interpenetrating the human body. This field holds cellular imprints about every aspect of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being including our positive and negative experiences as well as our belief/response patterns.


The benefits of energy balancing through release of negative energy includes:

Alleviation of pain and physical ailments
Increased relaxation
Increased vitality and energy
Improved performance and concentration
Better mental clarity
Enhanced sense of inner peace and well-being
Increased motivation and goal achievement
Managing life changes
Psychological and spiritual balance


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